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Path of Exile Builds PoE

PoE 3.1 – Abyss League Starters Builds

Path of Exile, PoE Abyss League – War for the Atlas Good Starter Builds by Mathil.

PoE 3.1 Abyss league War for the Atlas – Builds

Video: Mathil

Gladiator Reave (1:23)

Path of Building Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/wqaEPGn1

Bandit – Alira

Spectral Throw/Molten Strike Pathfinder or Raider (9:11)

Path of Building Pastebin for Pathfinder Swords – https://pastebin.com/Cp1zMHAz

Path of Building Pastebin for Pathfinder Claws –https://pastebin.com/9RX6czQh

Path of Building Pastebin for Raider Claws – https://pastebin.com/MMPL8rGM

Bandit: Alira

Scorching Ray Trickster (17:54)

Path of Building pastebin – https://pastebin.com/MfkH3AfL

Bandit: 2 passives

Lightning Tendrils Inquisitor (23:54)

Path of Building pastebin – https://pastebin.com/3NH0XFD2

Bandit: Alira